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Recording live Auto-Tune vocals with Antares AT 8 in Logic Pro X - .Direct Monitoring in Logic Pro X Eliminates Latency - Apogee Electronics.
So just to be clear, configuring Logic in standard resolution mode eliminates the crackles, but changing color space only reduces, but doesn't eliminate crackles?
When did the problem start occurring for you? Was there a specific version of Logic, or OS update? I agree, Logic should not have to be run in a lower res mode, I don't think all of Logic's graphic routines have been re-written to the latest specs and as a result use a lot of bandwidth on Retina screens.
I would like a confirmation that the problem still occurs with "open in Low Resolution" is not checked, but the color profile is set to sRGB. Unfortunately, my iMac is a slightly older model that does not have the new wide color p3 display. Community Get Support. Sign in Sign in Sign in corporate. Browse Search.
Ask a question. User profile for user: GrabtharsHammer GrabtharsHammer. Any ideas? More Less. Reply I have this question too 45 I have this question too Me too 45 Me too. Answer: A: Answer: A: I don't know if the underlying issues were completely solved - the last thread in the CPU meter still gets a little nervous sometimes when clicking and scrolling in the main window - but the audio crackles and glitches have been noticeably reduced.
View answer in context. All replies Drop Down menu. Loading page content. Set the sample rate of your project Set the sample rate for your project when you first create it. Click Devices. Turn Low Latency Mode on to manage plug-in latency Certain plug-ins can contribute to input monitoring latency, particularly dynamics plug-ins with look-ahead functions.
Published Date: November 12, Yes No. Character limit: Reply I have this question too 5 I have this question too Me too 5 Me too. All replies Drop Down menu. Loading page content. Apr 5, AM in response to joshpaige In response to joshpaige On the UA Console mixer, lower the return from Logic and raise the mic level monitor level, not input level. Reply Helpful Thread reply - more options Link to this Post.
User profile for user: kerochan kerochan. Apr 7, AM in response to joshpaige In response to joshpaige Josh hi I have the same interface, I usually have the console monitor fader level right up, just as Data Stream says. Hope this helps a bit? Perhaps you can post a pic of your console settings if you still have problems. Do you by chance know an easy way to configure a return level in the UA console mixer?
Thank you again. I have only recently started studying the console, so I dont have all the answers yet! Welcome to Apple Support Community. Playback sound is fine. What am I trying to do? I understand it is not wise to monitor from both at the same time, but even if I do I am not noticing any phasing between Logic and the UA Console monitoring, which is what I should expect, right?
Messages 19, Are you muting the channels and also pulling their faders down? Maybe the faders will let the signal through to your DAW. I thought I had tried every combination, but I missed one. It turned out to be simple. Don't mute the channels in UA Console. Pull the faders down all the way. Activate the "Record" button in Logic and I am good to go.
Jason Calieri Silver Supporting Member.
Logic pro x input monitoring delay free. Please wait while your request is being verified...
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